Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Question of the Day ...

Does anyone use the "Omnipod" ? I've been really considering this pump option for my son .. PLEASE comment :D thanks...


Vivian said...

Hi Dawn, thanks for commenting on my blog. I know that Amy over at Diabetes Mine is trying to get an Omnipod, you might ask her about it. I have heard a couple of people say that to wait for the next generation on this one would be better. One thing you might want to remember is that your son will probably be hitting puberty before the pump warranty is over so make sure to get one with a large reservoir. Good luck and I will add you to my blog list if that is ok.

Dawn said...

Thanks for writting back Vivian :D
I dont mind you adding me to your blog list ~ your blog is great !! Take Care...

Vivian said...

Dawn, we have not started on the pump yet. He has the assessment appointment in March. I am really hoping it helps with the highs, most everyone I have talked to said it will.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I dont.. good luck finding people !